Legendary in mountain biking circles, this
remote desert trail is no pedal in the park. Sandy single track, Slick rock and
rough four wheel drive roads take turns providing the drama. The 140 mile
length connects Loma, Colorado, and Moab Utah and leads you through beautiful
canyons, arid plateaus, wooden mountain, slopes, and sheer wall cliffs-all
lightly touched with coat of road dust.
It’s generally takes about five to six days
to complete, if you quite experience then can be done in for days. You’ll bike
anywhere from 15 to 40 physically challenging miles a day depending of course
on the terrain. Firs part of trail is very difficult and challenging compare to
next part which is easy. Teetering along the ledges of ragged mountains, you
will be through numerous canyons along the Colorado River and steeply climb the
La Sal Mountains to elevation of over 900 feet.
Utah’s climate is delightful and variable.
During the summer, you experience daytime temperatures that are warm but not
too hot, and nighttime temperatures that are cool but pleasant. April and
October are the best month for riding.
- Training is mandatory for more fun.
- Don't try hard ride your own pace and take it easy.
- Recommend that cyclists ride in pairs or groups and use walkie-talkies. Suggest that they consult their map at every junction.
- Bring more film, batteries and money than you think you'll need.
- Work on technical skills (like rock climbing) and long uphill endurance.